After three full days of dawn-to-dusk driving (including, but not limited to, being stopped by the military for no other reason than that they wanted bribes, which were not to them handed) we reached Lake Malawi in pitch black.
The following morning I popped my head out of the tent and lo and, indeed, behold: not 30 metres away spreaded Lake Malawi out majestically, with its soft sandy beaches and occasional distant fishing boats. Truly a sight for gods.
So, after a day and a half of chilling, tanning, swimming, relaxing and just taking it easy, it was dive o’clock.
Ellie, Nick, Ish, Rudy and I went for a surprisingly awesome dive around Kande Island. It included many a blue fish, Nick’s underwater camera and a surprising wreck.
And all throughout our dive, and a fair few hours before that, a full pig was slowly roasting away above the charcoal, turning into the main course of the evening. Mmmmmm………. pig….
Our stay in Malawi ended with a guided village walk and a gazillion evil bugs feasting on my feet.